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Contractor won't sign Lien Waiver Form: What You Should Know

Lien Waivers: Are You Allowed to Not Accept Payment? Dec 31, 2025 β€” A lien claim is only valid when a contract requires payment. If that is the case, a lien claimant has no such obligation to pay a lien claim. The Rules for the Lien Waivers Oct 22, 2025 β€” If a lien claimant does not accept payment of the amount claimed in a lien waiver, then payment is considered an β€œin arrears” settlement obligation for purposes of the lien statute of limitations and the statute of limitations under California's Construction and Permit Code. Understanding Lien Waivers: Lien Claiming Law Changes In California In 2017, the Legislature changed California Construction Contracting Statute of Limitations laws to reduce the statute of limitations for most types of construction lien claims. Lien Waivers: Contractors Do Not Have To Pay Oct 12, 2025 β€” However, California Construction Contractors do not have to pay for a claim that is valid as a lien claim until payments are made. They have three (3) years from date of acceptance of claim to make payments. Understanding Lien Waivers: The Lien Claiming Process Nov 14, 2025 β€” If a lien claimant's claim is valid as a lien claim, the claim will be resolved with respect to the contract amount in question as of the date on which the claim was first accepted. Understanding Lien Waivers: Construction Contracting Statutes of Limitations in California September 12, 2025 β€” As long as a contract was signed as of the date set forth in the contract, California Construction Contracting Contractors cannot be held liable for a claim that is valid as a lien claim. Lien Waivers: Are Construction Contractors Required to Notify Contractors or Hold Them Accountable? Jun 19, 2025 β€” No. A law does not require construction contractors to notify other parties, including lien claimants, that a construction contract provides that a lien has been waived. Understanding Lien Waivers: Lien Claimed Contractors Must File a Claim May 31, 2025 β€” Construction contractors need not provide notice that a construction contract does not have a lien. However, a construction contractor need not be in receipt of payment in order to file a claim for a lien waived under a construction contract.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Contractor won't sign Lien Waiver

Instructions and Help about Contractor won't sign Lien Waiver

This is more excitement of Simon ubermann ed welcome to counselor's corner. Today's topic is: I am a contractor who has not been paid. What are my rights? Nevada has a very complex and comprehensive set of laws that are contained within Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 108. These laws are designed to protect contractors, laborers, material suppliers, and even various professionals such as architects, engineers, geologists, and land surveyors. In the event that someone who provides labor or materials fails to get paid, they may be able to assert a mechanic's lien against the property that has been benefited by their efforts. The successful assertion of such a lien may ultimately result in a court ordering that the property involved be sold, with the sales proceeds being utilized to pay lien claimants. To be able to assert a valid lien claim, it requires that very specific notices be timely served as legally required. In addition, there are precise deadlines by which a lawsuit must be filed or else the lien may be lost. If you wish to enforce a valid mechanic's lien, missing the deadline may result in the permanent forfeiture of your lien. You may still have the right to sue for breach of contract, but you won't have the strength of the lien against the property involved. We have represented contractors as well as property owners in pursuing and defending liens for many years. Please contact us to further discuss either pursuing or defending your mechanic's lien claims. This is Mark Simon of Simon Berman, and thank you for joining me on Counselor's Corner.